Who do we keep in touch with?
Clients and associates past and present:
Chess Dynamics Ltd - www.chess-dynamics.co.uk - gyrostabilised thermal imaging camera systems
CDA Solutions Ltd - www.cdasolutions.co.uk - UK CCTV and Digital Access specialists
Upshot Ltd - www.upshot.co.uk - Manufacturers of portable and fixed radar and communications masts.
www.mcsuk.org The Marine Conservation Society
www.helpforheroes.org.uk Help for Heroes
Press links we use and recommend:
www.lloydslist.com all the latest shipping news
www.maritimejournal.com news on light commercial marine / renewables / civil engineering
www.portstrategy.com all you need to know about port developments worldwide
www.motorship.com shipboard engineering news
www.portengineeringmanagement.com dredging and port development news
www.shiprepairjournal.com ship repair, conversion and maintenance news
Exhibition links you might find useful:
www.seawork.com Europe's largest on-water light commercial marine sector exhibition
www.europortmaritime.nl Big European commercial marine sector show
www.shiprepairex.com Ship Repair and Conversion Show
www.posidonia-events.com One of the biggest shipping shows on earth
www.hamburg-messe.de/smm SMM - Ship technical show, shipyards and owners
www.all-energy.com renewable energy show, Aberdeen